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Judges Protocol



Judges successfully passing their assignments both theory and practical, at the level they attempted, will be placed on the judges register as a National All Breed, National All Shorthair or National Long/Semi longhair Judge, and as such you are free to accept ANCATS assignments across Australia.


International Status requires that you must have judged outside of Australia at least 6 times, or in two other countries.


Please note that no overseas or other Australian group’s invitations may be accepted until you have completed a minimum of 20 assignments, [you need to keep a diary of your assignments] and a further review is undertaken.


Please ensure that you are familiar with and signed the judge’s code of ethics. Your attention is also drawn to, “judges and management committee members only may not be members of any other cat registering group”.


ALL judging invitations are to be cleared by the ANCATS central office, prior to the judge accepting the assignment.


Any judge transferring from another organisation must provide written documentation as to their qualification.




At a recent meeting of the management committee I explained how in Brazil they had a procedure that did not penalize judges cats exhibited at shows when they were judging, for COTY points. And it was decided to trial the scheme in 2012. Obviously judges can’t assess their own cat in their ring. The judge would be free to show their cat to the audience, explaining that it is not been judged as it is their exhibit. It has happened at shows that someone in the audience asks of the judge “why did you miss that cat” and the judge explains that it is their cat and they can’t judge it.


The scheme would work as follows, a judge’s particular cat at the end of the day, would, in a four ring show, have their top 10 points added up for the three rings the cat was judged in and the average added to the judges ring. The exhibit receives no awards or placing on the day, this has only been devised so as judges are not penalized for judging. This average is only counted towards COTY points. If their cat was to be placed 3.4 and first, the points would be 25 average 8, this would be added to the cats COTY points.