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Judges Training Scheme, Schedule of Fees

Judges Training Scheme, Schedule of Fees


Application Checklist


1 Check you satisfy ANCATS entry requirements


2 Choose your core subject


3 Fill in Application Form


4 Purchase required reading material


5 Choose your core subject


You can choose one of three courses from Foundation of Cat Judging/Coat, colour and pattern, Judging shorthaired cats/Practical aspects of shorhaired cats, Judging longhaired cats/Practical aspects of judging longhaired cats. You will need to qualify the entry requirements and required reading material. Judges Training Scheme Forms can be submitted online or mailed to ANCATs, associated fees can be paid either by direct debit, cash or cheque.


Mailing Details


Online Detals


Please print out, complete and return to: WNCA


PO Box 2478 Taren Point Business Centre


Taren Point NSW 2229


The candidate will need to purchase the following


WNCA Cat Judge’s Course subjects


Gloria Stephens and TetsuYamazaki, (2001). Legacy of Cat (2nd edition), Chronicle books: San Francisco


WNCA Book of Standards


To be successful and pass this course, you must complete all assignments and practical assessments, set for the judge’s course to a satisfactory standard set by the marking criteria.




The fees for this course are by subject:




Foundations of Cat Judging / Coat, colour and pattern


Fee: $100.00


Judging shorthaired cats / Practical aspects of shorthaired cats


Fee: $100.00


Judging longhaired cats/ Practical aspects of judging longhaired cats


Fee: $100.00


Please enclose fees with this application and a resume that will address all of the entry criteria (use form attached to this application).